You’d think that cleaning out miles of files, shredding acres of papers would be lonely, boring work. But no. For me, it’s another life review. I’m still trying to adjust to the idea that Mom is gone, so maybe this is a good task for me today.
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Hogwarts in East Harlem
Today is Thanksgiving. Yesterday was The Feast @ Park East. The teachers cook, we rent tables and chairs, and set up a Hogwarts style-dining hall in our gym. And we feed everyone: turkey and the traditional sides, or ham and macaroni and cheese to kids who don’t like turkey. We also feed forty or sixty alumni who come back to visit and help out. They visit the current classes of students and we set up panel discussions for them to tell of their adventures out in the real world of college and work. It is always the high point of the day for me. I get all teary to see these young men and women who, (just a minute ago) were scared little pups fourteen-years-old, first days of high school.
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Life Review: Scanning Mom’s Photos
Summer 2014. For three really hot and humid days, I sat in my apartment listening to books on Audible, finishing a project I’d started a couple of summers ago, and had worked on over my summer vacations--to scan a giant box of my mom’s photos.
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